Nov 2007

Mark Everson Resigns Under Pressure

The former IRS Commissioner known for scrutinizing many nonprofit credit counseling agencies has now been asked to resign from his most recent post. Mark Everson left the IRS to become President and CEO of the American Red Cross.

In as little as 6 months, Everson went from top IRS official to embattled nonprofit executive.

Mark Everson was known for taking on the credit counseling industry, and for good reason. AmeriDebt and other corporations were causing more harm to consumers than good.

In fact, many so called nonprofit organizations were actually commercial enterprises solely created to sell debt management plans to anyone that fit the bill. There were also situations were executives were profiteering from such enterprises. Andris Pukke, AmeriDebt’s former CEO, is still under contempt of court for failing to return ill-gotten proceeds so that refunds can be provided.

Now, Mark Everson finds that his latest move to the nonprofit sector may have been a mistake given the current situation. And as far as the American Red Cross is concerned, it has been plagued by so may problems since Hurricane Katrina, this may be just one more blunder for the organization.

3 Responses

  1. admin says:

    Update: The American Red Cross has announced a review of funds spent by Everson during his tenure as CEO. This “forensic audit” will determine whether Everson used organization funds for non-business related expenses, such as for a dinner.

    To further add to the scandal, the married employee that Everson reportedly had a personal relationship with is pregnant. There is no information as to whether Everson is the father. Everson is a married father of two.

  2. admin says:

    Second Update:
    The married employee that Everson had a relationship with has been confirmed to be Paige Roberts, CEO of the Southeast Red Cross Chapter. In addition, The Chronicle of Philanthropy has reported that Roberts is indeed pregnant with Everson’s child. Both are separately married, and as of this posting, Roberts is still employed by the American Red Cross.

  3. Kenneth Long says:

    Third Update:
    The American Red Cross has announced that a Harvard Business School professor, Gail J. McGovern, will be its new Chief Executive Officer. She will attempt to restore trust to the nonprofit organization following the resignation of its prior CEO. Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson had resigned the post amid a scandal involving an extramarital affair with a subordinate that resulted in a pregnancy.

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