Mar 2008

HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson Resigns

HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson rendered his resignation on Monday. The official date for his departure will be April 18 according to his statement.

The reason for his resignation is listed as personal. Jackson is currently being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation over possible ethical concerns.

The central FBI investigation is centered around a federal contract in South Carolina. A golfing buddy received the contract, and Jackson is rumored to have influenced the awarding of that contract.

In addition, Senator Patty Murray from Washington and Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut, both democrats, have demanded his resignation in recent days. They claim that the numerous allegations of unethical conduct have jeopardized Jackson’s ability to focus on the housing needs of the nation.

Jackson began his tenure at HUD 4 years ago as a personal appointment of President Bush. Some critics wonder whether a new appointment can be made given the proximity to the end of Bush’s term and the uncertain approval of his choice by a Democratically controlled Senate.

Whoever is nominated will need to quickly restore public confidence in HUD so that the department can move forward. The state of current housing markets is in disarray. A strong leader is needed to coordinate federal activities so that HUD is able to improve housing opportunities nationwide.

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